Do you find yourself doing some 'sneaky-sneaky'; hiding your payslip/bank alert from your spouse? avoiding intimacy? These habits go a long way in hurting your the long run, the relationship. It' never too late to change.
Addiction:. Addiction on any level; social media, food, alcohol, drugs, shopping/ gambling – can/would affect the marriage.
Many couples are focused on their phones and not on each other. Your phone is not going to provide happiness and fond memories.
Many couples are focused on their phones and not on each other. Your phone is not going to provide happiness and fond memories.
Avoiding Sex:. Intimacy is the bond holding a union together...So, if you find yourself making excuses for why s*x life has dwindled or is non-existent; that's a red flag.
Don't be too rigid, get more adventurous...there are so many things your spouse would want you to do(in the bed/bedroom), but might be scared to ask. Take up the initiative and ask.
Don't be too rigid, get more adventurous...there are so many things your spouse would want you to do(in the bed/bedroom), but might be scared to ask. Take up the initiative and ask.
Lack of communication:. Does every conversation have a way of metamorphosing into a fight?
Healthy communication is the ability to ask for what you need; don’t expect the other person to be a mind reader.
Stop assuming, learn to listen to each other.
Healthy communication is the ability to ask for what you need; don’t expect the other person to be a mind reader.
Stop assuming, learn to listen to each other.
Transferring aggression:. Having/had a bad day at work? That's not an excuse to pick a fight. Let your partner know it's a difficult day – he/she may step up and be more thoughtful and considerate than usual.
Financial infidelity:. This is when one/both couple lie about their financial standing/ can be as damaging as sexual infidelity.
Talk openly about your shared financial picture.
Talk openly about your shared financial picture.
Letting a Third Party In:. Even if you're close to your parents and siblings, when it comes to your marriage_ draw a line. When you get married, you’re starting your own family – and your spouse comes first.
Always present a united front, and if there’s something you don't agree upon, don't undermine your partner in front of your family/his family/ friends...etc.
Always present a united front, and if there’s something you don't agree upon, don't undermine your partner in front of your family/his family/ friends...etc.
Fighting Unfairly: . When something bothers you, ask yourself how important the issue really is.If it’s crucial – and you must talk it out – bring it up as soon as possible to avoid built-up grudge(s) (avoid silent Don't bring up past issues or claim to be right always.
Ruling out fun:. As much as things become uptight with kids and work, it's not advisable to rule out the fun things you guys did while courting or before having kids. Go on a dinner/vacation, just two of you.
Neglecting the little things:. Everyone craves to be reassured of self-worth, bond and intimacy.
In your busy schedule, never forget to pass those little compliments. Don't underestimate the power of tender/loving gestures.
In your busy schedule, never forget to pass those little compliments. Don't underestimate the power of tender/loving gestures.
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